Thursday 11 June 2009

I Said Then And I Say Now ...

≈ KoKi Post - Old Gum Tree ≈

EYanKoe ber-cicit-cuit
tentang kengeriannya terhadap "kesempurnaan".
aKoe paham.
FYI, aKoe ngeri dengan standard yang ke-"tinggi"-an.
Mari kita simak kutipan berikut:
Years ago I recognized my kinship
with all living things,
and I made up my mind that
I was not one bit better than
the meanest on the earth.
I said then and I say now,
that while there is a lower class,
I am in it;
while there is a criminal element,
I am of it;
while there is a soul in prison,
I am not free.
≈ Eugene V. Debs ≈
aKoe mau menambahkan:
I said then and I said now,
that while there is a "CoPas-er",
I am in it.
aKoe sedih YanK, bagaimana mungKin ... suatu "CJ" (Ba-Lon Pelopor yang TER) lupa-lupa ingat untuK "ber-terima-Kasih" setelah meng-Co-Pas artiKel Terima Kasih pada tanggal 29 Mei mesKipun artiKel tersebut sudah pernah terbit tanggal 16 Mei di GubuK Perjuangan? (Lupa Putri sama GubuKnya?)
Btw aKoe sempat membaca snipet satu artiKel di Gubuk sebelum postingan Blog Review, tapi Keburu dihapus sebelum aKoe sempat membacanya ... ada apa ya ...?)


how could U ... said...

spooky ;)

Kandahar said...

(I believe :)

All is fair in Love n war !

CiPung said...

I am sorry if it sounds spooky to you, "how could U ...". Could you please be more specific as to which “statement” is spooky? (As far as I remember, I did pose 3 questions with obvious question marks at the end of those last 3 questions. Kindly give me a clue so I can answer your question thoroughly. I just don’t want to waste YOUR time reading my “not-so-specific” explanation. Well … as Kandahar (see the second comment above) believes: “All is fair in Love n war !” (Note: exclamation original.)

So far … I still believe in anonymity because that “apa saja siapa saja” slogan runs in my blood. I don’t have to carve it in a stone, nor do I have to “wash my blood” (to get rid of it) – If you understand what I am saying.


Thank you for sharing such a nice quote. It’s fine with me. Maybe we are in different wars, and I am pretty sure that we had never fallen in love with the same “Bulan” ~KhiK~ KhiiK~KhiiiK~. I guess … (CMIIW) if you are having a war with CJ than you need to fight using “CJ weapons” (unless you are able to justify and make it loud and clear what CJ means to you). If you want to play basketball outdoor/in public, use basketballs. If you give me a basketball for my birthday present, it’s up to me to decide on the fate of that ball.

Kalau belum puwas … pls do give a shout :)

eyankmoe rambe yangkoe said...

" How C U ".

was referring to the " Kesempurnaan" ,
aKoe paham .
Just as simple as that ;))

Kandahar is not my waterloo;) said...

I share your love & laugh about lakon Kandahar - Dindahar .
Ouch , Owl as a bird of prey you can smell the drop dead bourjois poison red- bloody- maroon lips in somebody's wallpaper !
What's on earth , standard of CJ based on Kandahar Scales ?
Of course , it's just a joke . Community Jokes , I love it , you love it .
It must be " ....." is in the air ;)
CJ for me , Has to be Actual , B..., Credible !
( B for ? )

CiPung said...

eey, aromamoe … kombe
aKoe taK paham – it’s beginning to get complicated, though ;). Ya sutralah, xie xie 4 KlarifiKasi.

CiPung said...

B 4 Bedjo, the character in 3djoko? To tell you the truth, it’s OK for people to “worship” and to practice Kandaharism CJ )or whatever), as long as they elaborate “the terms and conditions” clearly.

Is it wise to tell customers that your CJ is modelling OhmyNews, while in fact it looks like Kolom Trashy (KT)? Don’t get me wrong. If I remember correctly, KT may contain recycled articles (CoPas or forwarded “spam” email ). So if “we” ask why the headline consists of CoPas articles, the answer must be … “It’s all fair …” And there is no point of making any further arguments.

Btw, Kandahar may refer to Bank Har, ET and BT.

bundahar said...

Actual B Credible .

maksudnya bukan B itu loh , suer
(then) lagi sirius banged .
Cari arti CJ dalam 3 kata , accidently si B kok jadi begitu ;)
Padahal (then) lagi blank aja.
(now) masih bingung juga .
seandainya aspirasi ' siapa saja apa saja' dijalankan secara konsisten , terus apa guna moderator ? kalo masih pakai sensor ? gunting sensor pun bisa diswitch on-off ? di jaman gini , siapa saja bisa nulis apa saja , upload sendiri saja bisa , heran kenapa repot-repot antri-antri segala ? mungkin ngga ya motifnya supaya bisa dilirik dan ditarik oleh koran mata angin. Tanpa daya tarik itu rasanya susah juga. insentif . bisa salah arah. lost in space. mesti berjibaku . atau berdoku.

btw , cipung si burunghantu lebih galak dari mendiang kookkaburra lo;)

lost the battle at home , feel drained :(

Mbah MD said...

Singkat ajah ya: B=(se)Bodo wae . Antri? Tulalit “B” wae . Terakhir kesana sempat baca KoKoRomo ttg “pilar” yang belum “dicor” , ternyata ada yg sepikiran juga , tapi ngga/belum nyimak lanjutannya (B mode on).

Waktu CiPung masih balita suka Mbah cekoki Jalapeno, makanya galak ;). Btw, dah lamo ndak dengar kato “mendiang.”
Lost the battle apa? Confused.

(On behalf of Cicit)